November 23rd, 2010 |
Published in
column, framework, functional programming, javascript, performance, web | Bookmark on
Stefan Tilkov already blogged about this, but he and I co-authored an article about node.js for my Nov/Dec “Functional Web” column. Node.js is indeed very cool with surprisingly good performance, and it was really nice to finally get to write something together with Stefan (I wrote the foreword for his book, REST und HTTP (German), but that’s not quite the same as co-authoring).
October 5th, 2010 |
Published in
clojure, column, functional programming, web | Bookmark on
For the September/October issue of “The Functional Web” I’m lucky enough to have master programmer, top-notch trainer, and wonderful conference speaker Glenn Vanderburg as my guest author. Here, Glenn covers the Fleet and Enlive templating libraries for Clojure as a follow-up to Aaron Bedra’s Jul/Aug Compojure article.
July 17th, 2010 |
Published in
General | 4 Comments | Bookmark on
A couple newsworthy items:
May 6th, 2010 |
Published in
column, framework, scala, web | Bookmark on
For the May/June issue of “The Functional Web” column in Internet Computing magazine, I’m fortunate to have David Pollak, creator of the Lift web framework, as a co-author. There’s a fair bit of code in this column, which I always like, and it’s worth looking at just to see how brief but powerful Lift and Scala can be in the hands of a master like David.
As always, feedback welcomed.
March 29th, 2010 |
Published in
conferences, erlang | 3 Comments | Bookmark on
They handed out this poster at Erlang Factory. Brilliant!