February 5th, 2011 |
Published in
conferences | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
QCon London is coming up fast, March 9-11, and I’ll be running the “Functional Web” track there and also speaking in the “When Things Break” track.
You’ll save £100 if you use my promotion code, VINO100, when you register for the conference, and in doing so you’ll also help me cover my travel costs since the conference will give me an extra £100 when you use my code. (By default the conference covers some, but not all, speaker travel expenses, and my employer doesn’t contribute at all to my travel expenses).
January 29th, 2011 |
Published in
call for papers, conferences | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
By popular demand the deadline for paper submissions to WS-REST 2011 has been extended to February 10th.
January 21st, 2011 |
Published in
column, framework, functional programming, haskell, web | 3 Comments | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
For the January/February issue (PDF) of “The Functional Web” I’m very fortunate to have Greg Collins and Doug Beardsley as guest authors covering the Snap Framework. Not only is it great to finally have some Haskell code in the column, but Greg’s and Doug’s superb writing style means that the column is both highly instructive and easy to read.
I’m hoping we’ll be able to publish at least a couple more Haskell columns this year as well.
January 10th, 2011 |
Published in
conferences, erlang, functional programming, HTTP, Verivue, yaws | 1 Comment | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
InfoQ recently posted my keynote from the March 2010 Erlang Factory Bay Area. The keynote, entitled Using Erlang in a Carrier-Grade Media Distribution Switch, presents some of the work my colleagues and I at Verivue have been engaged in over the past few years. Since it was an Erlang conference, the talk naturally focuses on the Erlang aspects of the work.
January 7th, 2011 |
Published in
call for papers, conferences | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
The Second International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2011) aims to provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of research on the emerging resource-oriented style of Web service design.
For further details please read the full call for papers.
Last year’s workshop was a great success with about 30 submissions, which is quite good for a brand new workshop. I was on the program committee last year as well and helped review some very high quality papers. I look forward to reviewing more top-notch submissions this year.