
Warp: A Haskell Web Server

May 1st, 2011  |  Published in functional programming, haskell, performance, web  |  Bookmark on Pinboard.in

A new “Functional Web” column! Michael Snoyman contributed the May/June 2011 issue, entitled Warp: A Haskell Web Server (PDF). This is a nice follow-up to the previous column on Snap, and it includes great detail on how Warp is designed as well as some nice performance graphs.

Column on the Snap Framework

January 21st, 2011  |  Published in column, framework, functional programming, haskell, web  |  Bookmark on Pinboard.in

For the January/February issue (PDF) of “The Functional Web” I’m very fortunate to have Greg Collins and Doug Beardsley as guest authors covering the Snap Framework. Not only is it great to finally have some Haskell code in the column, but Greg’s and Doug’s superb writing style means that the column is both highly instructive and easy to read.

I’m hoping we’ll be able to publish at least a couple more Haskell columns this year as well.