
New Column: ClojureScript

November 5th, 2011  |  Published in clojure, clojurescript, column, functional programming, javascript, languages, web  |  Bookmark on

In the Nov/Dec 2011 issue of Internet Computing, “Functional Web” guest columnist Mark McGranaghan of Heroku gives us a really well-written article introducing the ClojureScript language and its Google Closure substrate. With a number of examples, he shows us how to use ClojureScript in dynamic client-side Web applications, and he also explains ClojureScript’s unique approach to JavaScript compilation.

[Update: I forgot to include a link to the actual article. Oops! Find it here. Thanks for letting me know, Stefan!]

As always, all feedback on this or any other “Functional Web” column is welcomed.

BTW if you enjoy the “Functional Web” column, be sure to attend the Functional Web track I’m running at QCon San Francisco coming up in mid-November. It’ll be fun and informative.