January 10th, 2011 |
Published in
conferences, erlang, functional programming, HTTP, Verivue, yaws | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
InfoQ recently posted my keynote from the March 2010 Erlang Factory Bay Area. The keynote, entitled Using Erlang in a Carrier-Grade Media Distribution Switch, presents some of the work my colleagues and I at Verivue have been engaged in over the past few years. Since it was an Erlang conference, the talk naturally focuses on the Erlang aspects of the work.
March 29th, 2010 |
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conferences, erlang | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
They handed out this poster at Erlang Factory. Brilliant!
March 28th, 2010 |
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conferences, erlang | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
The Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2010 conference just wrapped up last Friday, and it was fantastic. The talks were of high quality and the conference organization was excellent. The slides for all the talks should be on the Erlang Factory site soon.
If you missed this one, I strongly encourage you to attend the London Erlang Factory coming up in June if you can.
March 15th, 2010 |
Published in
column, erlang, functional programming, HTTP, REST, web | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
“The Functional Web” column is finally back, this time with a column about Webmachine co-authored with Justin Sheehy. The column title is Developing RESTful Web Services with Webmachine, and you can follow that link to retrieve the PDF.
Webmachine is a highly innovative web application framework, and it can teach you a great deal about the specifics of HTTP and the details of REST. It’s also written in Erlang, which continues to be my favorite programming language of all time because of its incredible practicality, utility, and elegance.
My column hiatus was due to extreme startup workload, which for better or worse is showing no sign of letting up anytime soon. But it’s nice to get the column back on track for the March/April Internet Computing issue, and one of my goals is to avoid missing any more issues this year. Many thanks to Justin for his contribution to this issue of the column.
January 30th, 2010 |
Published in
conferences, erlang | Bookmark on Pinboard.in
Interested in Erlang? You might consider attending Erlang Factory SF Bay Area 2010. Below is a message that Francesco Cesarini, conference organizer and co-author of the most excellent book Erlang Programming, sent to the erlang-questions list yesterday providing more information about the conference, especially pointing out that the Very Early Bird registration deadline is tomorrow (Sunday January 31). Hope to see you there!
Hi All,
a note to say that we are almost done with the programme for the 2010 SF Bay Area Erlang Factory. This year, we are lucky to have keynote speakers such as Joe Armstrong, Bjarne Dacker, Kenneth Lundin and Steve Vinoski. They will be giving four of the 35 scheduled talks on the 25th and 26th of March in the San Francisco Bay Area. The almost complete programme is available here:
The conference will be preceded by three days of University courses taught by experts such as Simon Thompson, John Hughes, Thomas Arts, Henry Nystrom and Kevin Smith. Come and learn Erlang, OTP, QuickCheck or Web Development with Erlang. More information on the courses are here:
This *Sunday* (January 31st) is the deadline for the very early bird deadline. Register by Sunday night and save $400 on the on-site registration price.
The conference hotel and venue is the SF Airport Hilton, a short BART / Caltrain ride from SF and the Valley. We have secured a very competitive price of US$109 per room and night at the conference hotel, this being one of the reasons for us choosing it. The other is the lower price of the venue, allowing us to pass on the savings to the delegates through a higher very early bird discount. We are planning an ErlLounge open to everyone who can’t make the two days on the 25th, and hope we will be able to surpass last year’s success. If you have thoughts or questions, you are welcome to drop me a line.
Hope to see you all there!