
New Erlang SHA-2 Implementation

February 20th, 2011  |  Published in code, erlang, performance  |  Bookmark on

A few years ago I wrote a pure Erlang version of the SHA-2 hash algorithms (SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512). They were kinda slow but they worked fine, and a number of people used them.

I’ve now rewritten the functions in a new Erlang library application named erlsha2, available at github. The erlsha2 implementation uses Erlang NIFs, making it significantly faster than the original. The original Erlang implementations are still there too, but they’re automatically overridden by the NIF library when it loads.

Compared to the original module, the exported functions in this module have been renamed; they used to have names like hexdigest224 but they now have shorter names like sha224 to more closely match the Erlang crypto module. I also implemented the init/update/final function groups for each hash algorithm to allow data to be incrementally hashed, also to match the crypto module.

New column on Node.js

November 23rd, 2010  |  Published in column, framework, functional programming, javascript, performance, web  |  Bookmark on

Stefan Tilkov already blogged about this, but he and I co-authored an article about node.js for my Nov/Dec “Functional Web” column. Node.js is indeed very cool with surprisingly good performance, and it was really nice to finally get to write something together with Stefan (I wrote the foreword for his book, REST und HTTP (German), but that’s not quite the same as co-authoring).

Sendfile for Yaws

January 5th, 2009  |  Published in erlang, performance, scalability, web, yaws  |  Bookmark on

A few months back Klacke gave me committer rights for Yaws. I’ve made a few fixes here and there, including adding support for passing “*” as the request URI for OPTIONS, enabling OPTIONS requests to be dispatched to appmods and yapps, and completing a previously-submitted patch for configuring the listen backlog. Klacke has just started putting a test framework into the codebase and build system so that contributors can include tests with any patches or new code they submit, and I’ve contributed to that as well.

The biggest feature I’ve added to date, though, is a new linked-in driver that allows Yaws to use the sendfile system call on Linux, OS X, and FreeBSD. I never wrote a linked-in driver before, so I was happy and fortunate to have an Erlang expert like Klacke providing hints and reviewing my code.

I did some preliminary testing that showed that sendfile definitely improves CPU usage across the board but depending on file size, sometimes does so at the cost of increasing request times. I used my otherwise idle 2-core 2.4GHz Ubuntu 8.04.1 Dell box with 2 GB of RAM, and ran Apache Bench (ab) from another Linux host to simulate 50 concurrent clients downloading a 64k data file a total of 100000 times. I saw that user/system CPU on the web host tended to run around 33%/28% without sendfile, while with sendfile it dropped to 22%/17%. The trade-off was request time, though, where each request for the 64k file averaged 0.928ms with sendfile but 0.567ms without. With larger files, however, sendfile is slightly faster and still has better CPU usage. For example, with a 256k file, sendfile averaged 2.251ms per request with user/system CPU at 8%/16% whereas it was 2.255ms and 16%/27% CPU without sendfile, which makes me wonder if the figures for the 64k file are outliers for some reason. I performed these measurements fairly quickly, so while I believe they’re reasonably accurate, don’t take them as formal results.

On my MacBook Pro laptop running OS X 10.5.6, CPU usage didn’t seem to differ much whether I used sendfile or not, but requests across the board tended to be slightly faster with sendfile.

I ran FreeBSD 7.0.1 in a Parallels VM on my laptop, and there I saw significantly better system CPU usage with sendfile than without, sometimes as much as a 30% improvement. Requests were also noticeably faster with sendfile than without, sometimes by as much as 17%, and again depending on file size, with higher improvements for larger files. User CPU was not a factor. All in all, though, I don’t know how much the fact that I ran all this within a VM affected these numbers.

Given that Yaws is often used for delivering mainly dynamic content, sendfile won’t affect those cases. Still, I think it’s nice to have it available for the times when you do have to deliver file-based content, especially if the files are of the larger variety. Anyway, I committed this support to the Yaws svn repository back around December 21 or so. If you’d like to do your own testing, please feel free — I’d be interested in learning your results. Also, if you have ideas for further tests I might try, please leave a comment to let me know.

Internet Computing Call for Special Issue Proposals

January 22nd, 2008  |  Published in distributed systems, integration, performance, publishing, REST, reuse, scalability, services  |  Bookmark on

As you may know, I’m a columnist for IEEE Internet Computing (IC), and I’m also on their editorial board. Our annual board meeting is coming up, so to help with planning, we’ve issued a call for special issue proposals.

The topics that typically come up in this blog and others it connects to are pretty much all fair game as special issue topics: REST and the programmatic web, service definition languages, scalability issues, intermediation, tools, reuse, development languages, back-end integration, etc. Putting together a special issue doesn’t take a lot of work, either. It requires you to find 3-4 authors each willing to contribute an article, reviewers to review those articles (and IC can help with that), and a couple others to work with you as editors. As editors you also have to write a brief introduction for the special issue. I’ve done a few special issues over the years and if you enlist the right authors, it’s a lot less work than you might think.

As far as technical magazines go, IC is typically one of the most cited, usually second only to IEEE Software, as measured by independent firms. I think one reason for this is that it has a nice balance of industry and academic articles, so its pages provide information relevant to both the practitioner and the researcher.

“Release It!” Is Truly Excellent

November 13th, 2007  |  Published in book, enterprise, performance, scalability  |  Bookmark on

What if you knew a person who clearly knew an awful lot about large-scale software systems? Someone who earned their way to their knowledge and wisdom by spending days and nights analyzing, measuring and debugging when everyone else had already given up and gone home? Someone considered the “go-to guy” who could always fix things if the system were to encounter a mysterious problem so serious that it resulted in very real revenue loss for the customer for every second of downtime? And what if you could rig up some sort of device to easily tap into the way that person thinks, thereby getting a clear understanding of the rules by which he or she designs, builds, deploys, analyzes, measures, debugs, operates, manages, and upgrades those large-scale systems?

Michael Nygard is such a person, and luckily for the rest of us, he’s already created such a device: his book, entitled Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software.

Success is a problem we’d like our systems to have. So, we focus our energies on building them as best as we can. Since we tend to focus there, books also tend target only that initial development phase. Most books focus on analysis and design issues, or on the methods and processes for doing analysis, design, implementation, and testing. Sometimes you find a book that focuses on debugging, and some even get into performance and scalability concerns.

But I’ve never seen a book like this one. It addresses the truly hard part of software development, which is running a successful large-scale system in production.

The book is a patterns book, but the patterns it presents are concrete. First, there are patterns and anti-patterns for stability and capacity, intermixed with war stories about real-life large-scale systems that failed hard for reasons that wouldn’t ever occur at smaller scales. Nygard’s war stories bring the patterns and anti-patterns into focus, providing very real reasons for their existence, and hard-won proof that they do indeed work.

Following the patterns, the second half of the book discusses general design issues and operations issues. These parts build on the patterns and focus on gotchas, large and small, that keep small systems from growing into large ones. The general design chapters provide numerous suggestions for eliminating seemingly innocuous mistakes that can kill a system as scale increases. Finally, the operations sections put you in the shoes of the people who have to keep the system running in production, describing what you as a developer can do to make their lives easier (thereby making your own life easier too). Along the way, Nygard keeps us grounded by occasionally presenting more stories and scenarios, some of which include actual dollar figures for the choices and trade-offs made. Engineering always comes down to building the best system possible within the allotted budget, but how many books targeting software developers do you know that talk in concrete terms of costs?

Nygard’s writing style is clear and concise. If you read his book and read his blog, you’ll find the styles to be identical. I’m guessing his book’s copy editor didn’t have a lot of work to do to get this book ready for production.

Bottom line: if you care at all about production software systems, you’ll want to read this book.