
QCon London: Highly Available Systems

February 14th, 2012  |  Published in availability, conferences, distributed systems, scalability  |  Bookmark on

At QCon London March 7-9 I’ll be hosting a track on Highly Available Systems, which I’ll describe in more detail below.

But first, be aware that if you register for the conference using promotion code VINO100, you’ll save yourself £100 off the registration fee plus I’ll donate £100 to the World Food Programme.

This track is compelling. As track host I focused on inviting speakers with significant experience in building and deploying real working systems that exhibit high availability, with the goal of maximizing the transfer of ideas, approaches, tools, and techniques from the speakers to the attendees.

It’s gonna be great, no doubt, and I’m really looking forward to it. Hope to see you there!

I’ll also be giving a talk at the conference about distributed systems and Riak Core.

London Erlang User Group Slides

March 28th, 2011  |  Published in conferences, erlang, slides  |  Bookmark on

While attending QCon recently I also spoke at the London Erlang User Group meeting. I gave a quick talk about Erlang Native Implemented Functions (NIFs) as used in my little erlsha2 implementation. Slides are here (pdf).

Speaking at QCon London

February 5th, 2011  |  Published in conferences  |  Bookmark on

Speaking at QCon 2011QCon London is coming up fast, March 9-11, and I’ll be running the “Functional Web” track there and also speaking in the “When Things Break” track.

You’ll save £100 if you use my promotion code, VINO100, when you register for the conference, and in doing so you’ll also help me cover my travel costs since the conference will give me an extra £100 when you use my code. (By default the conference covers some, but not all, speaker travel expenses, and my employer doesn’t contribute at all to my travel expenses).

Extended WS-REST 2011 Deadline

January 29th, 2011  |  Published in call for papers, conferences  |  Bookmark on

By popular demand the deadline for paper submissions to WS-REST 2011 has been extended to February 10th.

Media Distribution Talk on InfoQ

January 10th, 2011  |  Published in conferences, erlang, functional programming, HTTP, Verivue, yaws  |  Bookmark on

InfoQ recently posted my keynote from the March 2010 Erlang Factory Bay Area. The keynote, entitled Using Erlang in a Carrier-Grade Media Distribution Switch, presents some of the work my colleagues and I at Verivue have been engaged in over the past few years. Since it was an Erlang conference, the talk naturally focuses on the Erlang aspects of the work.