Detailed RESTful Yaws Service

April 10th, 2008  |  Published in erlang, REST, yaws  |  1 Comment  |  Bookmark on

Nick Gerakines has posted a detailed example of a RESTful web service implemented using Erlang and Yaws. It provides a lot of implementation information that I didn’t have room for in my InfoQ article on this topic.

Sam’s issue isn’t addressed here either, but no matter, the details of Nick’s example are worth examining nonetheless.


  1. Weekly SOA Crumbs #14 - Trying a new format - Service Endpoint says:

    April 21st, 2008 at 10:52 pm (#)

    […] Detailed RESTful Yaws Service – Steve Vinoski links to a detailed example of a RESTful web service implemented using Erlang […]